I woke up this morning feeling like a crinkle, like one of those crinkly fries in fact. I didn’t go on my road trip. Rather, I went home packed my things while my body began to feel intensely nauseous. Little ole me, went through the days meals and realized I only had a salad – a very good salad mmm, mmm – a hand full of almonds, and a few carrots. Its not because of diet or weight watch, it was just because that is what I felt like eating. I thought my nausea was from the lack of eating, so I ate more. Hmm. Hind sight can be a dastard little mind's eye view. I ate cottage cheese and yogurt. Also, very good. I thought I needed some protein and carbs, and then proceeded to eat a handful of grapes. Then my belly started to feel tight and squawked at me. My face began to feel puffy and my head got this concentrated headache right in the dot of my forehead. I knew this feeling before. It was the inevitable signs of “going to be sick.” Not a good sign an hour before heading to Detroit to pick up my friend.
I could tell you the whole ghastly story; write a huge DISCLAIMER HERE about how one should read with caution as I describe the intense feelings of the stomach involuntarily retching up everything one has ingested. I could write about how the smell only makes one puke more and when done, there is only a momentary reprieve from the pain as the intestines recoil and tighten, preparing for the next cycle. Ah, there is nothing like the stomach flu to put the body prostrate in a humbled bent position as the self prays, “please let this be the last time”, only to do it over and over again in multiple waves of projectile pain. But who wants to hear the details, aye.
I called my friend two hours after the incursion to tell her I would come up in the morning, in complete denial that this wasn’t some gastric infraction from not eating enough during the day. Then the night in hell proceeded. But don’t worry; I’m not taking this page down there. Not going to mention anymore about just how much fluid the body can hold and excrete in a matter of hours…long excruciating hours. Oh, and I’m sure we have all had experience with the dry heaves that no description is necessary. I was very grateful to have a friend come over and bring me 7up and I even got my Dad to come up and help out for the rest of the night and most the next day.
This was a pretty bad experience for me if I am calling my dad. Let's just say there are things I have learned in life. When one lives by herself, it is best to not think about monsters, ghosts or murderers in the middle of the night. Just best not to go there. When in the middle of tossing one's lunch via many exits at once while the head pounds and blood gets pressed against the eyes like one’s own tripp theatre show, its best not to have thoughts like “What if I am a toss away from a brain aneurism?”
Yeah, I’m being dramatic. But it was pretty bad. I am grateful for my Dad taking time to come and help me. It was a really bad last few days and my temp ran high and I couldn’t get out of bed. I lost a lot of weight in the last few days too. I’m surprised. Today is the first day without a fever as far as I can tell. I’m still feeling pretty low energy and thoughts of road trip madness seems miles away. I’m sad to say that I am still tied too closely to my bathroom at the moment. It looks like its bed and bad TV for me today. I might do Sudoku too. I'm not one for laying around all day, even if its best. My only goal today is to check my email, which I have done and buy my books for class tomorrow. Ah class.
Signing out.
Labels: Puke, road trip, smells