Sunday Scribblings: Nemesis

Prompt #35 for Sunday Scribblings inspired by Xegbp: Nemesis
I adore my Nemesis. I call her Nemi for short. She came into my life because my friend Fer loved her, and they were best friends in High School who became lovers and partners. I met Fer in College, and she was a part of a Rat Pack of folks I hung out with. We all had nicknames for one another. They didn't call me GoGo. At that time my name was Mandu and sometimes came with the tag line...Thee Mighty. Fer gave me the name Mandu. I am not sure where the "mighty" came from except I'm the type of person who can pull a rabbit out of a hat if I need to.
Anyway, I named Nemesis her nickname because she has always been outspoken with the truth we friends need to hear. She one time asked me if she was too rough, in which I deferreded, "I never want you to stop being my nemesis." The name has stuck since.
Ah, how do I tell the stories of my Nemesis? This woman has called me a sheep, told me to stop smoking, referenced my loner abilities as "one way for no one to notice your master plan", and has pretty much called me out every chance she gets. However, even as I say this, I have never felt berated or unloved, nor has she acted with intentions to hurt with passive aggressive judgments. Nemesis is simply being true to form, the antithesis of misdirection. She earned the grace of candid honesty because of our herstory together. There are few people who can get away with "saying it like it is" and Nemi is one of them for me. I hope I have been a good of a friend as she has been for me.
I am glad I am friends with my Nemesis. Of course, this friendship isn't all about me. As a good friendship should be, we wax and wane in what we talk about and what we are for one another. She hasn't called me out in years... for the most part. The nickname just stuck, like Fer and Nemi still call me Mandu even though we've been out of college and living away from each other for years. We've grown up and away and our conversations have dwindled to pockets of time when one or the other is heading through each others towns OR we want to check in, but we still call each other our nicknames.
When I read the post prompt for Sunday Scribblings this week, I knew exactly who my Nemesis was and fondly remembered my Nemi for the beauty of her in my life. She is also one hell of a writer, tells wonderful stories, and is one of those people I appreciate because we can laugh together.
Thank you for being the pokey stick in my life, Nemi! Fer, you know your the dill sauce. :O).
My Love,
You're lucky to be tough enough to take the criticism. Some would crumble. Some surround themselves only with flatterers. Good for you (and your Nemi)
I enjoyed that, GoGo. I have a friend a bit like your Nemi, although I wouldn't call her my nemesis. How neat that this week's prompt was so appropo to your life.
Wonderful! A nemesis for good. A good friend can always tell you how it is!
A great take on the prompt. which made me smile at 6.30 am :)
Thankyou also for your comment at Secret Hill.
I like friends like that--as long as they have your best interests at heart, they can really help you grow.
Who'd have thought that this prompt would generate such a great story of enduring friendship. Well done.
Nice account of a friendship with one's nemesis (a first for me).
I don't suppose you ever called Nemi just Nem, and threatened them with Nuoc Nam sauce....
Great story! I hope to have a friend like that someday!
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