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Location: Midwest, United States

"Power lines, my travlin' partner on this ride. Dripping, pulling - up and down, in this sing song, their lullaby blends with the swaying train. I curl myself into this journey; folding myself up into this pocket of time. Old familiars greet me - that swing set in the back yard, the ruins of an old church covered in new birth and old - mixed with unremembered newness." Journal Entry, October 13, 2005~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~All words are copyrighted by GoGo on a Page/gogoroku.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: Destination

The dawn cracks the horizon, light breaking through the back of tomorrow, and with the light comes the wind. It is a fresh breath, chilly, brushing the cheeks with the subtle sting of winter. I get into my car. I have a destination in mind. Long hours, this self heading out onto the road hiding behind point A to point B, but really my goal is just to be in between. This is the road trip. The world passing by, everything that peeks out of the task list of daily minded living falls away into the blur of scenery flowing by, the constant then becomes this self in this moving backdrop. My destination is not to get there, goals accomplished and the journey done, rather it is to be the solid form among a moving canvass.

I turn the key in the ignition, pushing the defrost while holding the other hand close to the lips breathing warm breath over the frozen knuckles. Then I move the other hand up clasping the two together and feel my life flow over the two joined. I wish for the heater to work faster. I watch the cold air turn warm against the frost of the windshield, at first a dot that becomes a circle and then the heat explodes the icy crystals into wet droplets that evaporate away. I turn the radio a few times over for just the right song. The one that sings of going, leaving, and coming back all at once. The song that sings of this self’s own internal soundtrack, always playing somewhere in my head. I shake off the fear that I’m not leaving fast enough. I remind myself the journey has long since begun and I am only just beginning the middle of it all.

I put the car in reverse and back out. I put the car in drive and begin the movement. I turn the corner and head out for the destination.
More destination at sunday scribblings. Happy New Year!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written... enjoy the journey!

8:54 AM, December 30, 2006  
Blogger Rose of Sharon said...

Wherever the destination is, I hope you bring us right along with you. Happy New Year, my friend and a wonderful 2007. Safe traveling mercies wherever you may go.

11:13 AM, December 30, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...

Great post!! Reading it, I could feel the chill in my fingers...

I really liked how you defined the emotion and environment!

11:25 AM, December 30, 2006  
Blogger Inconsequential said...

cool images :)

4:35 PM, December 30, 2006  
Blogger GoGo said...

The photos are from my cell phone taken throughout the last year.


10:20 PM, December 30, 2006  
Blogger January said...

Great photos and prompt! Hope 2007 takes you exactly where you want to go.

12:04 AM, December 31, 2006  
Blogger Kamsin said...

Lovely post! Happy New Year, wherever 2007 may take you!

2:48 PM, December 31, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

May all your destinations be happy ones in 2007.

1:11 AM, January 01, 2007  
Blogger Rethabile said...

All the best. And a happy 2007...

2:07 PM, January 01, 2007  

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