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Location: Midwest, United States

"Power lines, my travlin' partner on this ride. Dripping, pulling - up and down, in this sing song, their lullaby blends with the swaying train. I curl myself into this journey; folding myself up into this pocket of time. Old familiars greet me - that swing set in the back yard, the ruins of an old church covered in new birth and old - mixed with unremembered newness." Journal Entry, October 13, 2005~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~All words are copyrighted by GoGo on a Page/gogoroku.

Friday, February 17, 2006

It's a Keeper!

All right, so no more overworked student or philosophical who-das today. For a hard pressed grad student with much to do, I certainly found time last night to watch 7 episodes of Six Feet Under. Borrowed the first season from a friend - loving it! Right up my personality's alley and intriguing, rich, and not as messed up as that Carnivale series.

It felt really nice to curl my head into my favorite chair and laugh...I drooled at points I tell you. Anything that can take a morbid subject and make it fun for the living...I say hell yeah!

I'm hooked. Which is good 'cause now I have something to watch until season 3 of the L-word comes out...I still won't be cooking when I watch DVDs though.



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