in the middle
What can I say? Next week is the camping trip complete with tents, fire, and friends. I’ve been picking up extra shifts at work for the money AND the experience. Cleaning and packing slowly, trying to figure out what stays and what goes. I finally got my pass port – that was one long wait. Pictures of me unfold into documents, making me legal somewhere a long long way from here. This GoGo is about to turn 31-years-old. I’m completing another revolution around that sun. I am camping, I am packing, and I am moving!
And here I am in the middle of it all, enjoying my time. I like myself. I wake up every day to be a part of my story; I am excited to play a part.
Still, it’s a’lot.
It’s a little too much to pin down with words though. Before I can even grasp what’s happening, the whole scene seems to change. So, I’ve changed my medium, snapping photographs as a cathartic response to my time here. It’s really weird to be moving and still living in this city.
It’s too much for words really.
I've been thinking of all that packing and sorting and storing and it reminds me of a George Carlin bit. I found a copy here:
Hope you enjoy it.
And keep taking those pictures, they'll be a great anchor later - when the words decide they are ready after all.
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