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Location: Midwest, United States

"Power lines, my travlin' partner on this ride. Dripping, pulling - up and down, in this sing song, their lullaby blends with the swaying train. I curl myself into this journey; folding myself up into this pocket of time. Old familiars greet me - that swing set in the back yard, the ruins of an old church covered in new birth and old - mixed with unremembered newness." Journal Entry, October 13, 2005~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~All words are copyrighted by GoGo on a Page/gogoroku.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's All About the Connections

Disclaimer: Free association tonight -

I am plugged in and ready to go here at the Coffee Shop. This place has WIFI which means two things. First, you’re lucky if you get a spot these days. I can remember when it first opened and I was telling everyone about this place to make sure it stayed open. It’s the only one in this part of town close to my home, so I had an investment. Second, there are two few chords for the number of laptops, so there are communal extension chords for people to plug into here. I grabbed one, plugged in mine and before I was even connected to the internet, it was full with all my neighbors.

So here we are, my neighbors and myself plugged in and ready for the evening of various coffee shop tasks.

I have had a very hard, long week so far. Not the bad hard and long week full of complaints. You can define that for yourself, but I assure you…its not. Rather, one full of tasks completed, undone, and still to do. In my sophomore semester of grad school I think I have found my runners pace for it all. Of course it helps that this week has been seasoned with interesting topics. Like on Tuesday, I forgot we were taking a test in my research methods class. Okay, I thought it was happening next week not this one, and I did not study for it. With that said, its multiple choice which in my world means I could have aced or failed depending on if I read the question right. I do have to say, I did learn from the experience that I know most of my shit, at least if I read the question correctly…and spontaneous testing kind of gives me a rush. Um, that would be the natural, completely non-addictive rush that we all experience.

Today, I had my internship group I moderate. It’s a continued educational group. I don’t want to say more here. You know, the superhero code to keep the personal life personal…oh did I say superhero?...your damn right! I think anyone in grad school, law school, vocational school…or any educational mode should get an honorary cape and superhero underoos.

Um, I digress. Anyway, I had a friend from the MSW program come in and talk about anti-affirmative action proposal here in the State. He and I are in agreement that Affirmative Action should not be removed from law. After the group was over, I committed to joining the group trying to keep AA in the State.

Yes, yes…I know I have much on my plate already…school, work, internship. Now I am going to add a little activism and Civil Rights defending into the mix. Yep.

I put out there that I don’t want a leadership role in all this. I just want to help in the periphery…people chuckled at me, including some of my group members. In fact, some bet $5 against me staying on the periphery of things. Serious. I wonder what the odds are on the bet…can I make some money on this? The thing is, I’d probably bet against me too. I do have to say I was VERY honored and humbled today by all that was said. I felt for the first time connected to a natural part of me that does take on leadership roles and public speaking. Is it wrong to appreciate this quality in myself? As a woman, I know I've been taught it is...but genderless how would it sound? Blah. I guess things to ponder. I still won't do more than I can right now, especially since I got money riding on it. :o).

All right, that is what I have this evening.


Blogger kunal kundu said...

i wrote you a long comment.... but it vanished into thin air between my eyes n the screen....... n m feeling too darn sleepy too..... just wanted to say thanx!

8:17 PM, January 25, 2006  
Blogger kunal kundu said...

and yes.... wanted to write a nice comment, but didn't understand lot of it though!! the WIFI n the natural, completely non-addictive rush were good but!!

8:20 PM, January 25, 2006  
Blogger GoGo said...

sorry if you couldn't understand it. Like I said, it was completely free associated from head to hand...I too did not want to think about it too much while writing it...guess the reader shouldn't either. Sorry I missed out on the original comment.

8:35 PM, January 25, 2006  

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